Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Menebak Hobbi Atau Kegemaran?

Pada posting sebelumya penulis sudah posting terkena macam-macam hobi atau kegemaran dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kali ini penulis ingin sharing terkena tes soal atau exercise yang berkaitan dengan hobbi, sanggup dikatakan ini yaitu game atau permainan tebak-tebakan untuk menebak jenis hobbi atau kegemaran tertentu yang penulis diberikan clue atau kalimat kunci atau deskripsi terkena hobbi tersebut. Anda cukup menjawaban jenis hobbi apa menurut ciri-ciri dan deskripsi yang didiberikan.  Pay attentin to the following clues and guess them all of fifteen items!

 Pada posting sebelumya penulis sudah posting terkena macam Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris menebak Hobbi atau Kegemaran?
They like jogging 

Guess what hobby it is!
We need racket, shuttle cocks, and net. What kind of hobby is it? It is ...
I like many kinds of Indonesian dances. My hobby is...
On Sunday morning, I usually do this hobby with my uncle. We go to a river  to get fish with our  fishhook. We like ...
There are eleven players in each team. The goal keeper, defenders, midfielders, and strikers. They like playing ...
Sinta has many collection of books, magazines and novels. She likes ...
Mustofa’s hobby is .....
He posts some articles in a week in his personal blog.
We  use our bycicles to do this hobby. What is it? It is ...
Ferdi’s hobby is ...
He likes going up mountains
The man likes  ...
He shoots birds, deer, etc. in the forest.
Nissa Sabyan and Anisa Rahman are the vocalists of Sabyan. They are fond of ...
I go to Bandar Pool once a week. I like ...
Shidqi can write very well. He has written many books. His hobby is ...
To do this hobby, we need six players to play, a net, and a ball. Can you guess what kind of hobby it is? It is ...
..... is my father’s activity and hobby. He drives a taxi.
We need tents, rope, nails, stick, woods, bamboos, etc. We go to some beautiful sites to do this and stay for days. What is it? It is ...

Soal guessing di atas sanggup dijadikan acuan untuk melatih vocabulary anak terkena hobi atau kegemaran. Semoga bermanfaa. Amin.
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